Install my LAMP on ubuntu 18.
1 apt-get update2 chmod 0600 /var/swapfile3 mkswap /var/swapfile4 swapon /var/swapfile10 vi /etc/fstab11 add to fstab: /var/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 012 mysql -u root -h localhost -p13 mysql -u root -h localhostmysql> use mysql;UPDATE user set plugin=’mysql_native_password’ where user=’root’;ALTER USER ‘root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY ‘newpassword’;FLUSH PRIVILEGES;quit24 Install PHP 7.325 apt install software-properties-common26 add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php27 apt install php7.3 php7.3-common php7.3-opcache php7.3-cli php7.3-gd php7.3-curl php7.3-mysql28 php -v 29 adduser webmaster, user of the folder /home/webmaster in order to be used by…
Metasploit tips and tricks
msfcolsole, to access de metaexploit framework db_status, to see the connection status to the database. bundle install, to install ruby gems, or little codes to test vulnerabilities. workspace -a HR, to create a workspace with configuration to test HR department. workspace, to see which workspace is in used. workspace HR, to change the workspace. workspace -d, to delete a workspace. ————- Database Connection ————————–You don’t need a database to run the Framework, but it’s pretty useful if you want to…
How to replace a controller in a HP StorageWorks msa2324fc with dual controller in failover connections and linux multipath.
Is the light is amber and blinking, just try to restart the controller in: tools–restart or shutdown controller, then chose in operation: restart, controller type: storage, controller: (A or B) depend of the controller that have failed, and then press restart, this step is just to see if the controller failed because had some electrical problem like static. 2. If the previous method doesn’t work and the controller do not come up, maybe is time to replace it, just click…
PS3 eyes camera on windows 10, WORKING!!
In order to use the ps3 eyes camera on windows 10, first install a driver from:Ps3 Eye Driver After that, the camera is going to be installed on windows, and it is showed in the device manager as an device called ps3 eyes, but it just works with some desktop apps, i mean with some tirthy party apps, not with apps that requiere a windows 10 compatible camera, becasue the ps3 eyes is not a windows 10 compatible camera. The…